The Importance of Playtime for Children in School

Tyron Clark
4 min readJul 15, 2021


school playtime

As children grow older, play remains essential for learning and development. Play is often elucidate as children’s work. It is through play that children sort and make sense of the world. The play brings out the child’s creativity. Play is termed to be one of the most important aspects of children’s life. Why? Because through peekaboo, patty-cake, and playing house. The children learn to think creatively and interact socially.

Academy in Corpus Christi puts a great emphasis on how children learn, play, and grow together. Through play, they develop physically and invent scads of emotional skills. And with that, they learn how to process the world. In a nutshell, play is pivotal for your child’s development.

Think of the significance of play in your own life. You engaged in play like riding bikes, climbing trees, or jumping rope. You also engaged in play like drawing pictures, playing board games, and building detailed structures. You learned much from these experiences. Including building your strength and fascination, taking turns, and following norms.

Many of us can admire the value of play for children under five. But it might still be a stretch to admire play for school-agers. And play continues to be important in the lives of children as they enter the School.

Matter of fact: Play continues to be an important part of the lives of adults.

Why is play important?

Some of the child development theorists say play is crucial for child development. Others say play is building concentration, flexibility, and empathy among children. Yet another theorist describes the properties of play. Some theorists also say that play is purposeless and free from time constraints. However, many of us are goal-focused and outcome-driven. And might have trouble justifying a purposeless activity.

Yet all we need unstructured PLAYTIME and school-agers are no EXCEPTION. We also know that play may look purposeless. But it helps the children in so many ways. Also, it develops the skills of children and gives them a different kind of energy and activeness within.

Benefits of play:

While there are thousands of benefits of play. Play helps children grow cognitively, physically, socially, and emotionally. There is more to play than joy and games. Classical Academy in Corpus Christi believes that play develops intellectual skills in children. Play is important.

Because it provides a primary foundation. Especially for learning, problem-solving, and building an understanding of the world and its role within.

But how do children learn through play? Well, it is simple. Play allows the children the chance to imitate what they see and practice skills. It gives them an idea for creativity and experimentation. Also, play helps them learn how to communicate with others.

Intellective Benefits:

Play encourages healthy development and vital thinking skills. It fortifies memory, helps children understand cause and effect. And will help children to explore the world — and their role in it.

It is easy for young children to understand how things suit together through play. It permits them to use their senses and give a push to encouragement. These skills build the bridge of cognitive processing. One of the best things: play inspires the children to pretend, create and imagine.

Physical benefits:

Physically the play benefits children in a few ways. Namely in the development of their excellent and gross motor skills. Play benefits motor development by encouraging movement. Some examples of physical benefits are: running, jumping, swimming and block building,

Classical Academy in Corpus Christi explains the importance of sports activities for children in School. Because sports are considered as a healthy activity. Which, in turn, keeps the children fit and energetic.

Social benefits:

Play is essential for social development too. Because it helps children learn how to socialize with others. Through play, children evolve an understanding of social expectations and norms. Play provides the opportunities to share thoughts and ideas to listen, and compromise.

Emotional benefits:

Play helps children understand and action their emotions.

“Kids develop their emotions and new concepts through play.” — a child therapist in Corpus Christi.

Here is the example: If a child loses a game, they learn to process sadness and grief. But, on the other side, playing also builds confidence in a child.

To put it all together,

Corpus Christi private schools focus on every skill of their children [students]. They try every possible way through which their child develops and gives their best in the future.



Tyron Clark
Tyron Clark

Written by Tyron Clark

Professor who loves to teach a kids!

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