What will Your Child Learn in Pre-school & Benefits of Pre-school: Know Here
Pre-school is an important phase in the child’s early learning process that impacts greatly during further education. Research shows that during the first five years of a child’s life cranial development is at its peak. They develop essential social, emotional, and academic skills that enable them to succeed in a school environment. Strong roots set a solid foundation, which can help the plant to thrive and blossom. The same goes for your little ones. Thus, enroll your child in a reputed Corpus Christi private school to guarantee the holistic development of your child.
We have listed a few benefits of pre-schools:
1) Growth opportunity
It is the first experience for your child to step out of their home. They will experience structured learning in a nurturing environment. They learn to become independent and take care of themselves. Tiny tots learn to put on their shoes and coats, eat by themselves and use the bathroom alone.
In pre-schools, they learn to interact with teachers and peers. A stepping stone before they jump to elementary school. A good pre-school would aim to organize their time in tandem with the overall development of children.
2) Emotional and social development
Preschool helps social and emotional development in a child. They develop a sense of competence and self-worth when they do tasks or are showered with praise. It assists to boost their confidence. Through play and activities, pre-schools try to prepare kids for kindergarten. Children learn to listen, follow instructions, and co-operate with each other. They learn how to respect others, share, take turns and solve problems. In short, pre-school teaches the code of conduct for good behavior in groups and the public.
3) Development of motor skills
Preschool programs like running, climbing, jumping help improve the child’s physical well-being. Children face physical challenges during their time in playschool. This helps to build their hand-eye coordination and balance, developing gross motor skills. Indoor activities like threading, beading, playing with clay, and cutting with scissors hone fine motor skills.
4) Make Choices
Pre-school is a fun place filled with books, toys, and activities that kids would love. Pre-schools usually follow a structured learning approach. Despite this, there is a lot of emphasis to allow the child to spend time pursuing activities of their choice. This relieves the child from unwanted stress. It also gives them a chance to make friends, learn how to mingle with others, and learn through play.
5) Nurtures a child’s curiosity
Children at this age have an active imagination and are curious about their surroundings. They have ample questions running in their minds. Sometimes parents find it hard to answer all their child’s queries. But, pre-school teachers are trained to answer all the queries of curious minds. They can sometimes find answers through exploration, experimentation, or interaction with their friends or tutors.
Kids are perceptive and are keen to learn life skills like reading, understanding directions, and getting the right amount to make a purchase. These skills are important to children because they see their family members valuing them. Pre-schools channel this curiosity in the right direction.
6) Boosts math and language skills
To prepare the child for kindergarten, pre-schools have a set of designed activities. These activities help the young lads get pre-math and literacy skills. Story-telling, rhyming games, puzzles, matching games, sorting games, counting games form an interesting curriculum for preschool kids. It enables them to prepare for the academic demands of elementary school.
Now that you know the benefits of preschool, let us look into a bit more detail about the structured program that preschools follow.
1) Letters and Sound recognition
Kids will learn how to identify and name all the 26 uppercase and lowercase letters of the English alphabet. Pre-schools even teach to recognize and write their first name along with other simple words like mom, dad, and love. Teachers will show them the connection between letters and sounds.
The time they spend at pre-school is not enough; reinforce learning at home. Make your child play with the refrigerator magnet, sing the alphabet song, and nursery rhymes together. Make it a routine to read at least 10 mins together; look at pictures, point at words, and ask them what is happening. It will improve your child’s observation and thinking skills.
2) Colors, Shapes, and Object recognition
Preschoolers are taught to name, draw and color various shapes, objects, and body parts. Pre-schools practice these activities throughout the day during play, discussions, and learning sessions. Cutting, pasting, and gluing in different activities enables us to teach these concepts with ease. You can include these teachings as a part of your routine; while dressing them up or driving to school, which will make their concepts stronger.
3) Number recognition
They learn to identify and name numerals from 0 to 9. They will also learn how to count objects and correlate numbers with counting. Make your child count the steps as you climb them or, ask them to count the groceries as you arrange them on the shelves. You need not devote special time; teaching preschoolers can be a part of your everyday chores. Click here to learn about some everyday activities through which you can develop your child’s brain.
4) Drawing, Painting, and Cutting
Your preschooler will learn how to cut and paste using glue and scissors. They will also have some fun with colors and paintbrushes. They will learn how to grip the pencil and crayons. They will learn how to make sensible drawings and not scribble.
The Christian pre-school in Corpus Christi, TX, aims to teach all the vivid concepts to preschoolers visually, auditorily, and kinesthetically. We design our multifaceted curriculum to teach across all the curricular areas that are poignant for the development of preschoolers. Additionally, The Annapolis Christian Academy in Corpus Christi molds the tender minds to make them know God and Love him. We focus on the spiritual development of the child along with academic success.