Best Ways to Sharpen Child’s Memory

The human brain is a mystery, and its workings are often hard to understand. We do know that memory, or the ability to recall facts and information, which serves as the foundation for learning, is crucial in everyday life. Our brains are constantly taking new inputs from our environment.
Did you know that a child’s memory is not as developed as an adult’s and needs to be trained? Yes! Teachers in the Academy in Corpus Christi know the basic understanding of how your child’s memory works and how to work with it so as to gain the most from it.
Memory is a function that needs to be trained and enhanced over time, which you can instill in your kids by providing them with certain things. You can do this by making your child take part in activities that actively sharpen their memory.
Boost your child’s memory by implementing these activities
1. Have a healthy routine
This is the essential way to help your kid develop and strengthen their memory. For example, your child will learn that there is a pattern when you or other caregivers come home from work when they have to take a bath, when they eat dinner, and so on. This helps your child learn to associate certain behaviors with particular events to trigger their memory.
2. Introduce wordplay games
Word plays are very important for kids in classical education as they help their brains understand connections between words like “I scream” and “ice cream.” These amusing games can be played anytime during the day, but children’s playtime seems most effective when they are relaxed, like after they finish their homework or before bedtime.
3. Take your kids on outings
You can boost your child’s memory by taking them to fun places like the zoo, a museum, or an amusement park. Make sure that you tell them about all the animals or things that they see to give them a chance to grasp the information.
4. Implement sleep routines
Children need to get enough sleep because lack of proper sleep can affect memory and learning abilities, which will be detrimental to their growth, especially when it comes to their academic life. So make sure that your kid does not miss their nap.
5. Give your child a healthy diet
Your kid’s memory can be enhanced by eating nutritious foods like leafy vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, rich in B vitamins. These also help boost mental energy and prevent stress and anxiety, preventing memory loss at the same time.
Studies have shown that regularly eating fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids (salmon, for instance) can prevent memory loss and make kids smarter.
6. Ensure you communicate with your child regularly
You need to ensure that you are present when they are doing their activities and that you actively engage with them. For example, if your naughty little one is playing and you are busy on your phone, it won’t help their memory as they will be distracted.
In preschool at Corpus Christi, they encourage them, telling them what they should or shouldn’t do next so as to enhance their memory abilities.
7. Exercise daily
For children to stay healthy, fit, and active, they must exercise regularly. Unfortunately, most kids are not fond of intense physical activities, so you may have to be creative here. For instance, if your child likes swimming, take them for an occasional swimming lesson or if they like cycling, teach them how to ride their bicycle without stabilizers.
By taking your kids to fun places like the zoo, a museum, or an amusement park, you can boost their memory by giving them something to relate all that they see with what you tell them about it in these places. As parents, we must realize the importance of instilling good habits in our kids from a young age so that they learn healthy behaviors and develop positive traits, like the ability to recall information. This way, when they are in the Academy at Corpus Christi, too, they will have much better and stronger memories.